3 Ways to Prevent Damp Walls Post Rainy Days

Wet walls can dampen your happiness in many ways. And it’s a more common problem than most homeowners think—especially after the rainy season.

Why are damp walls such a problem, you ask? This is largely because:

  1. A) They lead to the financial burden of getting plumbing damage repaired, and
  2. B) They are associated with medical problems that arise from moist living conditions, such as respiratory problems including asthma, allergies, and the like.

There are two reasons why walls suffer moisture damage during rainy weather:

  1. There’s water leaking inside.
  2. There’s no way for collected water to dry or escape.

That being said, it’s important to treat this problem before it gets out of hand. Philadelphia gets about 47 inches of rain every year. That means homeowners face this issue frequently. You can’t let the elements affect your quality of life.

We care about you and your family’s health. So, here are some ways to prevent damp walls.

Ventilate Your House

Condensation is a common cause of moisture problems in homes. It leads to trapped water vapor that remains suspended in the atmosphere and dampens any dry surface it comes in contact with.

This could be due to shower steam escaping the bathroom, intense cooking in the kitchen, or wet laundry drying inside. But when you’ve seen too many rainy days, the root cause is fairly obvious; the wet weather leaves moisture behind that dampens your walls. And a lack of ventilation leaves no room for it to escape.

You need to open the windows more often (if the weather allows it) in this case. Do so thrice a week to ensure there’s never too much moisture in the house.

a water-damaged wall with white marks.

Bring in Plants

Decorating your home with indoor plants does more than just add character to the space’s interior. Choose plants that absorb humidity so they act like natural dehumidifiers. Ivy and spider plants are popular choices for this purpose.

This is great for improving indoor air quality and keeping moisture levels in check. With humidity levels under control, you don’t have to worry about damp walls as much.

Waterproof Crawlspaces

Moisture that accumulates in a crawlspace can foster mold and mildew growth. It can also become a breeding ground for pests that leave the place filthy and infected. The critters leave feces and other waste on the surface that releases an unpleasant odor.

But more importantly, if the crawl space is damp, it’ll humidify the air before it enters the house and lead to moisture problems for the walls.

You need to nip the problem in the bud. Consult our waterproofing experts in Philadelphia for an inspection and see if your crawlspace needs waterproofing.

Are you looking for reliable waterproofing experts in Philadelphia? Our experts have over 30 years of experience in treating damp walls and waterproofing basements and crawl spaces. We’ll put our best men on the job!

Call us at 1-877-373-9084.