The Dos and Don’ts of Basement Waterproofing

A wet basement or a damp basement is not just an unpleasant experience, it can also be a very dangerous experience for anyone going inside one. It can be one of the worst experiences you can have as a homeowner, as it comes with a large number of problems that can damage your house and create health issues for anyone living there. Indoor flooding brings possible mold or mildew growth or sewage back clogs that can be a health hazard. It also brings possible fire hazards and structural damage to the house by weakening the foundations and short-circuiting in the wiring.

These issues can be the bane of a homeowner’s existence, but luckily all it requires is some basement waterproofing. Read on as we discuss some of the Do’s and Don’ts of what to do when getting Waterproofing done in your basement.

wet floor sign

The Do’s

The very first thing you should DO is to begin researching the different methods of basement waterproofing. The incorrect method used can not just be ineffective, it can even backfire. Also, try to make sure you know which ones can be DIY activities and which ones will require professional services.

The next DO is to find the source of the leak that is affecting your basement. Cutting off water to the point of the leak will be important. Identifying it will also help you realize how much of your water supply needs to be cut off in case it is coming in from a broken pipe. If the leak is external, then you will have to patch that up first.

The Don’ts

The first thing you DON’T want to do is try and use a cheap instant solution. These are, at best, temporary fixes like any DIY sealant. Most of the sealing and waterproofing products you will find commercially available for you to attempt yourself will not last you over the long term. Most basement flooding and leaks require specific solutions to that specific leak. A regular sealant can be good if you are waiting for a professional to come in and find a fix at a later date.

The next DON’T you have to watch out for is letting your gutters and water sprouts lead water to your house. The drain gutters should be making sure rainwater and melting snow is moving away from your house and not towards it. Adjust their positioning if needed and check where the water flows once it goes down your drain lines.

Wet basement

Getting Professional Help

The biggest DO for dealing with a flooded basement is that you do want to get professional help. As we mentioned, basement flooding is usually not a DIY fix unless it’s temporary. After cutting off the initial leak and finding out what sort of waterproofing you will need, your best bet is to contact a professional to come in and fix it.

For professional basement waterproofing services in the New Castle area, you can get in touch with our water damage services repairmen at Completely Dry Waterproofing. They will be able to take care of any flooding and damp walls from the leaks.